FIEO Registration

Federation of Indian Export Organisations – Promoting India’s Exports

calendar18 Feb, 2023
timeReading Time: 5 Minutes
Federation of Indian Export Organisations - Promoting India's Exports

The Federation of Indian Export Organisations (FIEO) is a non-profit organization that represents the interests of Indian exporters. Established in 1965, Federation of Indian Export Organisations has been instrumental in promoting India’s exports and enhancing the country’s competitiveness in the global market. The organization works closely with the government and other stakeholders to create a conducive environment for the growth of the export sector.

Membership Benefits of FIEO

FIEO’s membership benefits make it an attractive proposition for Indian exporters looking to expand their businesses in the global market. Some of the significant benefits of Federation of Indian Export Organisations membership are:

  • Market Intelligence

Federation of Indian Export Organisations provides its members with the latest information on global markets, emerging trends, and new opportunities. This information helps exporters to stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions about their export strategy. By leveraging FIEO’s market intelligence, exporters can identify new markets, assess demand, and plan their market entry strategy.

  • Participation in Trade Fairs and Exhibitions

FIEO organizes various trade fairs and exhibitions in India and abroad, providing its members with a platform to showcase their products and services to a global audience. These events offer exporters an opportunity to connect with potential buyers, explore new markets, and expand their customer base. FIEO members can also participate in trade delegations to other countries, providing them with exposure to new markets and business opportunities.

  • Networking Opportunities

Networking is essential for any business, and FIEO provides its members with ample opportunities to network with other exporters, policymakers, and industry experts. The organization conducts various seminars, workshops, and networking events, providing a platform for exporters to share their experiences, learn from each other, and build new partnerships. These events also provide exporters with an opportunity to interact with government officials and industry experts, enabling them to stay up-to-date on policy changes, industry trends, and other developments.

  • Export Promotion Schemes

Export promotion schemes are critical for Indian exporters, and FIEO assists its members in availing of these schemes. The organization provides guidance on the eligibility criteria, application process, and documentation requirements for various export promotion schemes offered by the government. By availing of these schemes, exporters can reduce their costs, improve their competitiveness, and increase their profitability.

  • Trade Dispute Resolution

Trade disputes can be a significant hurdle for exporters, and FIEO provides its members with legal and advisory support to resolve any trade disputes they may encounter. The organization offers dispute resolution services, enabling exporters to resolve their disputes quickly and effectively. This support is invaluable for small and medium-sized exporters who may not have the resources to engage legal counsel or navigate the legal system in a foreign country.

  • Brand Promotion

Brand promotion is an essential aspect of exporting, and FIEO promotes the Indian brand globally. The organization undertakes various initiatives to promote the Indian brand, such as organizing roadshows, participating in trade fairs, and conducting media campaigns. FIEO also provides its members with guidance on branding, enabling them to build a strong brand image in the international market.

  • Policy Advocacy

Finally, FIEO advocates policies that are favourable to the export sector and represents the interests of its members to the government and other stakeholders. The organization has a strong presence in various forums, including the World Trade Organization, enabling it to influence policy decisions that impact the export sector. By advocating for policies that are favourable to exporters, FIEO helps its members to grow their businesses and increase their profitability.

Eligibility Criteria For Federation of Indian Export Organisations Membership

To become a member of FIEO, the applicant must be an Indian exporter or a firm engaged in export-related activities. The eligibility criteria for FIEO membership are as follows:

  • Export Turnover

The applicant must have a minimum export turnover of Rs. 5 lakh for the previous year. This criterion ensures that FIEO’s membership is limited to serious exporters who are committed to growing their businesses.

  • Export Performance

The applicant must have a track record of export performance, with a minimum of one export shipment in the previous year. This criterion ensures that FIEO’s membership is limited to active exporters who are engaged in the export business.

  • Export Registration

The applicant must be registered with the appropriate export promotion council or authority. This criterion ensures that FIEO’s membership is limited to exporters who are authorized to engage in the export business.

  • Compliance with Regulations

The applicant must comply with all relevant laws and regulations related to exports, including customs and foreign trade policies. This criterion ensures that FIEO’s membership is limited to exporters who are operating within the legal framework.

Application Process For Federation of Indian Export Organisations Membership

The application process for Federation of Indian Export Organisations membership is straightforward and can be completed online through the organization’s website. The following steps are involved in the application process:

Step 1 – Online Application

The applicant must visit Federation of Indian Export Organisations ‘s website and complete the online membership application form. The application form requires the applicant to provide details such as their business profile, export turnover, export performance, and export registration.

Step 2 – Submission of Documents

After completing the online application form, the applicant must submit the necessary documents to support their application. These documents include the applicant’s export registration certificate, bank statement, and export invoices.

Step 3 – Payment of Membership Fee

The applicant must pay the membership fee, which varies depending on the category of membership. FIEO offers different membership categories based on the size and nature of the business, with different membership fees for each category.

Step 4 – Approval of Membership

Once the application and supporting documents have been submitted, Federation of Indian Export Organisations’ membership committee reviews the application and approves or rejects the membership. If the membership is approved, the applicant is notified, and they can start availing of the benefits of FIEO membership.


The Federation of Indian Export Organizations[1] (FIEO) has played a crucial role in promoting and supporting India’s export sector. FIEO’s membership benefits offer a wide range of opportunities for Indian exporters to expand their businesses, gain market intelligence, participate in trade fairs and exhibitions, network with industry players, resolve trade disputes, promote their brand, and advocate for favourable policies. FIEO’s eligibility criteria ensure that the organization’s membership is limited to active and serious exporters who comply with all relevant laws and regulations related to exports.

The continued efforts of Federation of Indian Export Organisations are crucial for the growth and development of the Indian export sector. With its focus on enhancing the competitiveness of Indian exporters in the global market, Federation of Indian Export Organisations has been instrumental in promoting exports and creating jobs, thereby contributing to the economic growth of the country. The Indian government recognizes the significance of the export sector, and FIEO’s efforts align with the government’s vision to make India a leading player in the global market.

In conclusion, Federation of Indian Export Organisations has become a critical institution in the Indian export sector, providing valuable services and support to Indian exporters. The organization’s ongoing efforts and initiatives are essential to promote and sustain the growth of India’s export sector, and the eligibility criteria for FIEO membership ensure that the organization’s membership is limited to serious exporters who are committed to growing their businesses and operating within the legal framework. FIEO’s contribution to the Indian export sector has been invaluable, and its continued efforts are crucial for the growth and development of the sector.

Read Our Article: How To Apply For FIEO Registration?

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