Pollution Control Board

How to obtain DPCC Consent from the Delhi Pollution Control Committee?

calendar05 Sep, 2020
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes
Consent from the DPCC

DPCC stands for Delhi Pollution Control Committee, and it is a self-governing body founded in 1991 by the Delhi Government under the guidance of (CPCB) Central Pollution Control Board.

The DPCC essentially issues a License for DPCC consent, which means NOC for DPCC to ensure that the proposed and existing business entity being set up will not harm the environment or society. For the change and improvement in the production process or setting up in industries, a provision has been made that the entrepreneur must obtain the NOC from Pollution Control board in order to operate.

Functions of the Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC)

  • Provide recommendations to the Delhi Government on any matter concerning prevention and control of water and air pollution.
  • Organize a consumer awareness programs on the prevention and control of air and water pollution and also waste management via mass media.
  • Collect, prepare, and compile technical and statistical data related to air and water pollution.
  • It has laid down the standard of sewage treatment and trade effluents for emission from automobiles, industrial plants, and Health Care Establishment.
  • To help with the development of new technology for the treatment of sewage, trade effluents, and control equipment.
  • Issue of DCPP consent certificate to industries falling in different categories such as Green, Orange, and White.
  • Issuance and Authorization to the industries and health care establishments, falling in Bio-Medical waste Authorization, Hazardous waste Management Authorization, Battery waste Management, Plastic Waste Management, and E-waste Authorization.

Read our article:What are the Powers and Functions of Pollution Control Board?

Objectives of Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC)

Delhi Pollution Control Committee

Sustainable Development

Sustainable development is a vast concept that balances the need for economic growth with environmental protection and social equity.


Prevention of natural resources is a vast concept and need for economic growth & to protect the environment.

Waste Management

Effective Waste Management is a great source to protect the environment.

Consumer awareness

Pollution must be reduced by awareness, such as by convincing the general public to use Paper Bags, CFL, public transport, and not to use firecrackers. 


DPCC has laid down important guidelines for industries and Health care establishments to reduce environment Pollutant in Delhi, according to the Master Plan Delhi 2021.

What are Types of Permissions or NOC required?

Mainly there are two types of consent will require by business owners:

Consent to Establish (CTE)

It is the first level of permission required from the Pollution department in order to establish a business unit with keeping in mind all the levels of Pollution aspects (Water/AIR/Noise) as per the Pollution Act.

Consent to Operate (CTO)

It is the second level of permission required from the pollution department in order to make sure the business unit avoids any level of pollution (Water/Air/Noise) while running the operation.

DPCC Categories of Business Activities

The industries in Delhi has been classified in Red, Orange, Green, and white category as per a list, indicating the classification of 649 industries according to new guidelines. The industries categorized under the Orange and Green category only need to apply for Consent to Operate (CTO) and Consent to Establish (CTE) under the Air & Water Act. The industries categorized under the White category are not required to obtain consent to establish and operate. It is only needed to intimate Delhi Pollution Control Committee (DPCC) within 30 days from the establishment of business with an undertaking.

The following areas classified by Master Plan Delhi 2021, which is the main parameter of issuing DPCC Consent to established and consent to operate:

  • Industrial area
  • Non-industrial area
  • Redevelopment area

Importance to have the DPCC consent

  • Helps in establishing any new or to continue as existing industries
  • Any new or change in Electricity connection
  • Any new or change in Water connection
  • For obtaining license or renewal from Municipal Authority
  • For obtaining license or renewal  from police/ Eating House License
  • Receiving NOC  from Central Ground Water Authority (CGWA)
  • Receiving NOC from the Fire Department
  • Receiving license for International Trade

Who is required to take the DPCC Consent certificate

DPCC Consent certificate

Documents That are required for DCPP Consent to Establish (CTE) and Consent to Operate (CTO)

  • Authorized Pan card
  • Authorized Aadhar card must be linked with updated Mobile No.
  • Pan card of a unit in case of the Partnership or Company
  • Authorization letter (except Proprietorship)
  • MCD license
  • Proof of registration of the unit
  • CA Letter for total project cost
  • Site Plan / Naksha
  • FSSAI License for food businesses
  • Electricity bill
  • Proof of Ownership
  • Water Bill
  • GST Certificate

Validity of DPCC Consent Order

Consent to Operate and Consent to Establish under Orange category shall be issued for a maximum of five years, and in the Green, the category will be issued for a maximum of ten years. After the completion of a period, it is liable for renewal. Any business entity changing business activity, expansion, etc., is required to file for fresh consent/CTO from Delhi Pollution Control Committee.


The Central Pollution Control Board has been delegated all the powers and functions to DPCC. It is an organization with the motto to create awareness about sustainable development by ensuring improvement in an “environment quality[1]” of the National capital Region through the contribution of all the stakeholders. For this purpose, it is required to obtain DCPP consent. Corpbiz will help with initial guidelines in order to avoid any unnecessary loss due to a lack of knowledge.

Read our article:Renew Pollution Control Board Certificate: How to obtain Consent to operate?

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