CPCB Deadline for Filing EPR Plastic Returns

calendar23 Apr, 2024
timeReading Time: 3 Minutes
CPCB Deadline

Extended Producer Responsibility, or EPR, is a regulatory principle that applies to all major stakeholders in the waste management regime. The producer of plastic waste shall oversee the overall lifecycle of the waste product and ensure that there is no substantial pollution or damage to the immediate environment as a result of such waste processing. EPR for plastic waste management framework ensures that the producer and recycler of plastic waste ensure maximum utilization and minimum pollution as a result of processing plastic waste. EPR Certificate is issued to the Plastic waste recycler by the Central Pollution Control Board after having satisfied all the requirements. As per the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2022, EPR Registration is a mandatory requirement for Plastic Waste recyclers.

CPCB Deadline for Filing EPR Plastic Returns

The CPCB has notified that all Producers, Importers, and Importers (PIBOs), i.e. the major stakeholders in the EPR regime, are required to, as per the CPCB Deadline for Filing EPR Plastic Returns, is March 31st 2024. The CPCB introduced the centralized filing portal in 2022 to enable PIBOs to register for EPR through the Centralized Portal. The PIBOs are required to file the annual returns for plastic waste as well as all other documents on the portal before the designated CPCB Deadline for Filing EPR Plastic Returns.

Annual return of EPR for plastic waste management: Details

There are some essential details that are to be included in the annual return of EPR for plastic waste management:

  1. EPR targets

The plastic waste recyclers are required to meet certain targets for recycling plastic waste on an annual basis. The quantity, in metric tonnes, should be appropriately disclosed in the annual report. The annual plastic waste recycling targets for EPR have been significantly increased to encourage the reuse and recycling of plastic waste in larger quantities.

  • Details of recycled plastic

Only EPR and recycling certifications from registered recyclers will be allowed when submitting annual returns online, in accordance with section 15 of the EPR standards. Report containing information on the quantity delivered for end-of-life disposal ought to be included.

CPCB Deadline for Filing EPR Plastic Returns: How do you file it?

As per the Plastic Waste Management Rules and EPR guidelines, the deadline to file EPR according to the notice dated November 20th, 2023, all PIBOs are mandated by the Plastic Waste Management Rules 2016 to submit their annual report to the State Pollution Control Board, Pollution Control Committee, or Central Pollution Control Board by November 30th, 2023, detailing the progress of plastic waste management. In order to file annual reports before the CPCB deadline for EPR Plastic returns, the following steps are required to be followed –

  • Submit returns in Form IV with the CPCB.

A consolidated report in Form VI, under the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016, is required to be submitted by the State Pollution Control Board.

  • Penalty for violating CPCB Deadline for Filing EPR Plastic Returns.

The CPCB has laid down penalties for Producers, Importers, and Brand Owners – PIBOs for violating the CPCB Deadline for Filing EPR Plastic Returns. The penalties for not filing annual returns are –

For the first violation, the PBIO shall pay a sum of Rs. 5,000 per tonne. For a second violation, the penalty is Rs. 10,000 per tonne. For third and subsequent violations, the environmental compensation applicable on the PIBO is Rs. 20,000. If the entities and PBIOs repeat the violation and fail to observe CPCB Deadlines for Filing EPR Returns, they can even be liable for higher penalties and more severe repercussions, such as imprisonment and cancellation of CPCB License.


Compliance with EPR mandates and CPCB guidelines is crucial for any business. It is essential since it ensures the effective discharge of liability on the part of every individual and business enterprise engaged in the business of waste manufacture and recycling. EPR is one of the environmental compliances that a business is required to follow to efficiently carry out its activities. However, fulfilling EPR compliances is a fairly complex task, with the producer entity having to undergo several mandatory compliances and file and submit the bulk of documents with the CPCB and other concerned Government Departments.

At Corpbiz, we shall provide you with a complete, up-to-date EPR filing schedule for your business, as well as timely filing and annual reporting services so that you do not miss out on any major EPR Compliance or EPR Requirements for waste producers.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  1. Why is EPR important for plastic waste manufacturers?

    EPR for plastic waste management framework ensures that the producer and recycler of plastic waste ensure maximum utilization and minimum pollution as a result of processing plastic waste.

  2. What is the CPCB Deadline for Filing EPR Plastic Returns?

    As per the CPCB, The CPCB Deadline for filing EPR Plastic returns for FY is March 31st 2024.

  3. Which entities are covered under the EPR Regime?

    Under the EPR regime, the Producers, Importers, and Importers (PIBOs) are the major stakeholders who are required to observe EPR Compliances.

  4. What is the Primary Authority for EPR Compliance?

    The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) and State Pollution Control Board (SPCB) are authorities authorized by the Government to oversee the conduct of PIBOs and producers who observe EPR compliances.

  5. What are Annual EPR Targets?

    For the purpose of compliance with EPR targets, Plastic waste recyclers are required to meet certain targets for recycling plastic waste on an annual basis. The entities must adhere to the annual recycling targets and submit records and returns of the same with the authorities.

  6. What is the penalty for violating the CPCB Deadline for Filing EPR Plastic Returns?

    For the First violation, the PBIO shall pay a sum of Rs. 5,000 per tonne for a second violation; the penalty is Rs. 10,000 per tonnes. For third and subsequent violations, the environmental compensation applicable on the PIBO is Rs. 20,000.

  7. How is EPR Return Filed?

    In order to file Annual Plastic returns, the entity must submit returns in Form IV and a consolidated report in Form VI. The documents must be filed on the Centralized EPR Portal.

  8. How are Plastic Waste PBIOs governed in India?

    The PBIOs in the Plastic Management and Recycling of Plastic waste in India are governed by the Plastic Waste Management Rules, 2016.

  9. What is EPR Authorization for Plastic Waste Recyclers?

    EPR authorization certificate is a certification of environmentally sound practices for plastic waste, observed by the producer entity. EPR Authorization is issued by the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) after the producer entity has cleared all compliances related to E-Waste Management.

  10. What services does Corpbiz provide in respect of the Filing EPR Plastic Returns?

    EPR is a trusted business compliance provider, with a team of dedicated and experienced professionals. Our specialized services would help you prepare a comparative compliance tracker, tailored to your organizational needs, such as annual records and return filing with respect to EPR plastic returns.

Read Our Article: EPR For Plastic Recycling

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