Consumer Complaint

Consumer Complaint against Adulteration of Food

calendar06 Apr, 2023
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes
Consumer Complaint against Adulteration of Food

Food adulteration is a major problem that is prevalent in many parts of the world. It refers to the act of adding harmful substances or inferior quality substances to food items to increase their quantity, shelf-life, or texture. Food adulteration can have serious health consequences for consumers, and it is a violation of their basic right to safe and healthy food. If someone has encountered a case of food adulteration, it is important to file a consumer complaint to seek justice and protect the health of other consumers. In this article, we will discuss how to file a consumer complaint against the adulteration of food.

What Is Adulteration Of Food?

Adulteration of food refers to the act of adding inferior quality or harmful substances to food items in order to increase their quantity, improve their appearance or texture, or extend their shelf life. These substances may include toxic chemicals, non-food-grade coloring agents, synthetic flavorings, or other additives that are not meant for human consumption.

Consumption of adulterated food[1] can lead to food poisoning, stomach infections, and other health problems. Adulteration of food is also a violation of consumer rights, as consumers have the right to safe and healthy food.

Adulteration of food can happen at any stage of the food supply chain, including during cultivation, harvesting, processing, packaging, and transportation. Some common examples of food adulteration include adding water to milk, using artificial coloring agents in fruits and vegetables, adding sawdust to ground spices, and using synthetic sweeteners in food products.

Food adulteration is a global problem, and many countries have laws and regulations in place to prevent it and punish those who engage in it. However, despite these efforts, food adulteration still remains a significant challenge in many parts of the world.   

What Is A Consumer Complaint?

A consumer complaint is a formal expression of dissatisfaction by a consumer regarding a product or service they have purchased. It can be made to the company or organization that provided the product or service, a regulatory agency, or a consumer protection agency. A consumer complaint may relate to a wide range of issues, such as product quality, safety, performance, price, customer service, and misrepresentation or fraud. The purpose of a consumer complaint is to seek a resolution to the problem, obtain compensation or refunds, and/or alert others to potential issues with the product or service.

How to File a Consumer Complaint against Adulteration of Food?

Following are the steps to file a consumer complaint against adulteration of food:

  • Step 1: Collect Evidence

The first step in filing a complaint against food adulteration is to collect evidence of the adulteration. This can include the packaging, labels, and any other information about the food product. It is important to keep the original packaging and labels intact, as they can provide valuable information about the product, such as the date of manufacture, expiration date, batch number, and other relevant details.

If there is a suspicion that the food product is adulterated, you should also collect a sample of the product. This sample can be sent to a laboratory for testing to confirm the presence of adulterants. It is important to collect the sample in a sterile container and ensure that it is not contaminated in any way.  

  • Step 2: Contact the Food Safety Authority

The next step is to contact the food safety authority in your area. This can be done by visiting their website or calling their toll-free number. The food safety authority is responsible for ensuring that food products are safe and free from adulteration. They have the power to investigate complaints of food adulteration and take action against the manufacturers.

When you call the food safety authority, you’ll need to give them the proof you’ve gathered, like the product’s packaging, labels, and a sample. You should also provide them with any other information you have about the product, such as where and when you purchased it.

  • Step 3: File a Complaint with the Consumer Affairs Department

In addition to contacting the food safety authority, you can also file a complaint with the consumer affairs department in your area. The consumer affairs department is responsible for protecting the rights of consumers and ensuring that they are not exploited by businesses. 

To file a complaint with the consumer affairs department, you will need to provide them with the evidence you have collected, such as the packaging, labels, and sample of the product. You should also provide them with any other information you have about the product, such as where you purchased it and when.

  • Step 4: Contact the Manufacturer

If you have evidence that a specific manufacturer is responsible for the adulteration, you can also contact them directly. You can find their contact information on the packaging or their website. When you contact the manufacturer, you should provide them with the evidence you have collected and demand that they take action to rectify the situation.

  • Step 5: Follow-up on your Complaint

After filing your complaint, it is important to follow up with the food safety authority and consumer affairs department to ensure that action is being taken.  Can also check with the manufacturer to see if they have taken any steps to address the issue.

If you are not satisfied with the response you receive from the food safety authority, consumer affairs department, or manufacturer, you can escalate your complaint to higher authorities, such as the district or state level food safety authority.


Food adulteration is a serious issue that affects the health and well-being of consumers. Consumers have the right to file a complaint against food adulteration and demand action from the authorities and manufacturers. By following the steps outlined in this article, consumers can take action against food adulteration and protect their rights.

Also Read:
How Do You File A Complaint Against Food Adulteration?

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