Waste management

Battery Dealer Responsibilities under Battery management rules

calendar09 Mar, 2022
timeReading Time: 3 Minutes
Battery Dealer

Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001 takes deep concern about the misuse and mishandling of lead-acid batteries throughout its supply chain. For this reason, the said rules set out various guidelines and norms to ensure apt management of such batteries. It vests everyone in the supply chain, including producers, OEMs, dealers, and retailers, with a liability to comply with the underlying rules to ensure safe handling of batteries until to the point to their intended use. This blog discusses the Battery Dealer Responsibilities under Battery (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001.

Who is a dealer as per Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001?

Dealer refers to an individual who sells and receives lead-acid batteries and their components thereof to and from the end-users or other retailers or dealers on behalf of the Producers, importers, assemblers, & reconditioners or otherwise;

Battery Dealer Responsibilities under Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001

  • Every battery dealer must collect the used batteries as per the Schedule for new batteries sold.
  • Every battery dealer is liable to offer an apt discount for every utilized battery returned by the end-users.
  • During the collection process, a dealer needs to confirm that type and specification of used batteries match the type and specification of new batteries sold.
  • Every battery dealer is liable to file a half-yearly return about the sale of new batteries and buy-back of old batteries to the producer via form V by 31st May and 30th Nov every year.
  • Every battery dealer is liable to ensure apt and safe transportation of collected batteries to authorized collection facilities or to the registered battery recyclers;
  • Every battery dealer is obligated to ensure that the storage and transportation of used batteries do not pose any hazard to the environment and human life.

Registration related compliances for battery dealers under Battery management rules

Every battery dealer is obligated to register with the concerned state authority via Form IV. The general details to be cited in Form IV include;

  • Dealer’s name,
  • Address,
  • Contact details,
  • TIN/VAT number

The applicant filing can be done via the official portal of the state authority.

Norms around return filing for the collection of used batteries and sale of new batteries

Every battery dealer is obligated to file a half-yearly return for the sale of new batteries and collection of old batteries to the producer via form V by 31st May and 30th Nov every year.

The information to be cited in Form V includes;

  • Dealer’s name and address
  • Authorized person name and address with contact details
  • Number of new batteries sold out during the period Oct-March/April-Sep in respect of the given categories;
  • Automotive[1] : (a) Four Wheeler (b) Two Wheeler
  • Industrial: (a) UPS (b) Motive power (c) Stand-by
  • Others: No. of batteries sold (i) As replacement of utilized Batteries (ii) to bulk customers (iii) to OEM (iv) to any other party
  • Net used batteries of different categories as at SI.No. 3 accumulated and channelized to authorized producers/collection units/recyclers.

As an attachment to form V, the applicant is also required to submit the list of recyclers to whom the batteries have been channelized for recycling.


It is evident that the Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001 underpin a long list of obligations for the battery dealers in India. It vests them with the responsibility to ensure safe dealing with batteries, be it a matter of selling or procuring batteries from customers. The rules also sought record management so that the governing authority could keep the proper tab on the batteries’ supply chain. Keep in mind that registration under the said legislation is a mandate for battery dealers in India.

Read our Article:Obligations for Battery Recyclers under Batteries (Management and Handling) Rules, 2001

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