Mariyam Zaidi

About Mariyam Zaidi

Mariyam has completed BA.LLB from law college dehradun. She worked as a content writer in hotleads for 3 years.

Benefits of Trademark Class System

A good brand should be easy to pronounce and remember, but at the same time it should not lose the uniqueness and distinctiveness that sets it apart from others. A consumer’s decision to purchase a product or service is heavily influenced by goodwill and brand reputation. Trademarks registered with the Trademark Registry in India are […]

Trademark Valuation and Taxation – A Complete Analysis

A trademark includes symbols, colour, shape, packaging, etc. that encompasses a party’s ability to geographically represent and distinguish that party’s goods or services from others. The use of these marks by the owner without the participation of other persons. Trademarks are an important commercial and economic tool and are typically used extensively to create brand […]
