Aarti Bhojwani

About Aarti Bhojwani

Aarti Bhojwani is currently a fourth-year student pursuing her BBA LLB degree. With a strong foundation in legal research, Aarti has garnered valuable experience as a legal researcher. Her writing prowess extends to the realm of legal topics, where she seeks to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding. Aarti's unique approach ensures that her work not only highlights the positive aspects but also delves into the often-overlooked negative and real-world impacts of legal matters. Her commitment to presenting a balanced and insightful perspective makes her a noteworthy contributor to legal analysis and discourse.

Patna High Court Upholds Constitutional Validity of Section 16(4) of CGST ACT, 2017

The implementation of the CGST Act in India has resulted in significant changes to the country’s tax system. The adoption of the CGST Act has streamlined India’s taxation processes, leading to increased transparency and efficiency in tax collection. One crucial aspect of Section 16(4) of CGST Act is that it outlines the conditions for claiming […]
