
Wealth Tax Act, 1967: A Study

calendar22 May, 2023
timeReading Time: 7 Minutes
Wealth Tax Act 1967

The Wealth Tax Act of 1967, enacted by the Government of India, was an important step towards promoting the equitable distribution of wealth in the country. The Act aimed to address the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few individuals and promote social justice by imposing a tax on the net wealth of individuals, Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs), and companies. In this blog, we will delve into the key provisions and implications of the Wealth Tax Act 1967.


The Wealth Tax Act is legislation enacted by the Government of India to impose a tax on the net wealth of individuals, Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs), and companies. The Act was first introduced in 1957 and underwent subsequent amendments, with the Wealth Tax Act of 1967 being a significant milestone in the evolution of this tax.

Here’s an overview of the Wealth Tax Act 1967:


The Wealth Tax Act 1967 applies to individuals, HUFs, and companies whose net wealth exceeds the specified threshold. The Act defines net wealth as the aggregate value of assets owned by the taxpayer, reduced by the value of debts owed by them.

Assets Covered:

The Act includes a broad range of assets in its definition of wealth. These assets include land, buildings, residential houses, commercial properties, jewellery, bullion, vehicles, yachts, aircraft, cash in hand exceeding a certain limit, and more. However, certain assets like productive business assets, stock-in-trade, and certain specified properties are exempted from wealth tax.

Net Wealth Calculation:

To calculate net wealth, the Act requires taxpayers to determine the total value of their assets as per the prescribed valuation rules. These rules provide guidelines on the valuation of various assets, such as the market value for immovable properties, the fair market value for shares and securities, and prescribed methods for valuing other assets.

Exemptions and Deductions:

The Wealth Tax Act provides certain exemptions and deductions to ensure that genuine hardships are not faced by taxpayers. These exemptions include properties used for commercial purposes, certain specified assets like artworks and antiques, certain rural properties, and specified small businesses. Additionally, loans taken for acquiring, constructing, or repairing a property are deductible from the net wealth.

Tax Rates and Slabs:

The Act prescribes a progressive tax rate based on the net wealth of the taxpayer. The tax rates range from 0.25% to 1%, depending on the wealth bracket. Higher rates are applicable for individuals with higher net wealth.

Compliance and Filing Requirements:

Under the Wealth Tax Act, taxpayers are required to file wealth tax returns providing details of their assets, liabilities, and net wealth. The Act also empowers tax authorities to conduct assessments, audits, and inquiries to ensure proper compliance.

Repeal of the Act:

The Wealth Tax Act 1967 was repealed by the Finance Act 2015, with effect from the financial year 2016-17. The government took this step as part of its efforts to simplify the tax structure and reduce compliance burdens. However, the wealth tax provisions still apply for the financial years prior to 2016-17.

It’s important to note that the information provided here is a general overview of the Wealth Tax Act 1967, and specific details and provisions may vary. It is always advisable to consult with a tax professional or refer to the relevant legislation for accurate and up-to-date information.


The Wealth Tax Act, during its existence, had several implications for individuals, Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs), and companies subject to its provisions. Here are some key implications of the Wealth Tax Act:

Equitable Distribution of Wealth:

The primary objective of the Wealth Tax Act was to promote a more equitable distribution of wealth. By imposing a tax on individuals and entities with substantial net wealth, the Act aimed to reduce wealth disparities and promote social justice.

Revenue Generation:

The wealth tax served as a significant source of revenue for the government. The tax collected under the Wealth Tax Act contributed to funding various welfare and development programs aimed at benefiting society as a whole.

Asset Evaluation and Planning:

The Act prompted individuals and entities to evaluate their asset portfolios in order to determine their net wealth. This process encouraged individuals to assess their wealth holdings, plan their investments, and make informed financial decisions.

Compliance and Disclosure:

The Wealth Tax Act required taxpayers to provide accurate declarations of their assets and liabilities. This enhanced transparency and accountability in wealth management and discouraged tax evasion practices.

Administrative and Compliance Burden:

The Act imposed administrative and compliance burdens on taxpayers. They were required to maintain proper records, file wealth tax returns, and comply with assessment procedures. This increased the compliance workload for individuals and entities subject to the Act.

Impact on Investment Decisions:

The imposition of wealth tax influenced investment decisions, especially for high-net-worth individuals and entities. The tax liability associated with certain assets, such as real estate and valuable personal possessions, had an impact on investment strategies and asset allocation choices.

Repeal and Simplification:

The Wealth Tax Act 1967 was eventually repealed in 2015, with effect from the financial year 2016-17. The decision to repeal the Act was driven by the government’s aim to simplify the tax structure and reduce compliance burdens.

It is worth noting that the implications mentioned here relate to the time when the Wealth Tax Act was in force. Since its repeal, the specific implications of the Act are no longer applicable. However, understanding its historical implications provides insights into the evolution of tax policies and their impact on wealth management and distribution.


The Wealth Tax Act held significant importance during its existence. Here are some key aspects that highlight the significance of the Wealth Tax Act:

Promoting Economic Equality:

The Wealth Tax Act aimed to address wealth disparities and promote economic equality. By levying a tax on individuals and entities with high net wealth, the Act sought to redistribute wealth and reduce the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few.

Social Justice:

The Act was driven by principles of social justice. It sought to ensure that the burden of taxation was borne by those who possessed significant wealth, thereby promoting a fairer distribution of resources and opportunities within society.

Revenue Generation:

The wealth tax served as a revenue-generating mechanism for the government. The tax collected under the Act contributed to the overall revenue pool, which could be utilized for various developmental projects, social welfare programs, and infrastructure initiatives.

Encouraging Asset Diversification:

The Wealth Tax Act fostered transparency and compliance among taxpayers. By requiring individuals and entities to declare their assets and liabilities, the Act promoted greater accountability and discouraged tax evasion practices.

Evaluating Wealth Distribution:

The Act provided insights into the distribution of wealth within the country. The data collected through wealth tax assessments and declarations helped policymakers and researchers analyze wealth patterns, identify areas of concern, and devise strategies for inclusive economic growth.

Historical Context:

The Wealth Tax Act played a significant role in shaping India’s tax policy and legislative framework. It represented a proactive step by the government to address wealth disparities and promote social justice. It also contributed to the overall evolution of tax laws in the country.

It is important to note that the Wealth Tax Act 1967 was repealed in 2015, and the significance mentioned above pertains to its historical context. While the Act is no longer in force, it remains a significant chapter in the country’s tax history and provides insights into the government’s efforts to promote equitable wealth distribution.

Important Sections

The Wealth Tax Act 1967 contained various sections that outlined the provisions, definitions, and procedures related to the taxation of wealth. Here are some important sections of the Wealth Tax Act 1967:

Section 2:


Section 2 of the Act provided definitions of key terms used throughout the legislation, such as “assessee,” “net wealth,” “specified asset,” “valuation date,” and more. These definitions were essential for interpreting the provisions of the Act.

Section 3:

 Charge of Wealth Tax

Section 3 stated that a tax, known as wealth tax, shall be charged for every assessment year in respect of the net wealth of the assessee as of the valuation date.

Section 4:

Computation of Net Wealth

Section 4 outlined the procedure for computing the net wealth of an assessee. It specified the assets and liabilities to be included in the net wealth calculation and provided rules for the valuation of various assets.

Section 5:


Section 5 listed the exemptions from wealth tax. It included exemptions for certain assets such as productive business assets, stock-in-trade, certain specified properties, and assets used for commercial purposes.

Section 16:

Assessment and Reassessment

Section 16 dealt with the assessment and reassessment procedures under the Wealth Tax Act. It outlined the time limits for filing wealth tax returns, conducting assessments, and issuing notices to taxpayers.

Section 18:


Section 18 provided provisions for filing appeals against the orders of the Wealth Tax Officer. It specified the appellate authorities, time limits for filing appeals, and the procedures to be followed during the appellate process.

Section 22:


Section 22 detailed the penalties for non-compliance with the provisions of the Act. It specified the penalties for failure to furnish returns, concealment of wealth, and other offences under the Act.

Section 27:

Repeal and Savings

Section 27 addressed the repeal of the Wealth Tax Act 1967. It provided for the repeal of the Act and clarified that the repeal should not affect any proceedings initiated or any rights accrued under the Act prior to the repeal.

These sections are a representative sample of the provisions found in the Wealth Tax Act 1967. It’s important to note that the Act has been repealed, and specific provisions and sections may have been amended or replaced by subsequent legislation.


The Wealth Tax Act of 1967 imposed a tax known as “wealth tax” on the net wealth of individuals, Hindu Undivided Families (HUFs), and companies. The tax was levied based on the value of the taxable wealth owned by the taxpayer. The charges of wealth tax were as follows:

Rate of Tax:

The Wealth Tax Act prescribed a progressive tax rate based on the net wealth of the taxpayer. The rates ranged from 0.25% to 1%, depending on the wealth bracket.

Threshold Limit:

The Act specified a threshold limit beyond which wealth tax was applicable. Individuals, HUFs, and companies whose net wealth exceeded the specified threshold were liable to pay wealth tax.

Valuation of Assets:

The tax liability was calculated based on the valuation of the assets owned by the taxpayer. The Act provided rules and methods for determining the value of various assets, such as market value for immovable properties, fair market value for shares and securities, and prescribed methods for valuing other assets.

Exemptions and Deductions:

The Wealth Tax Act provided certain exemptions and deductions to reduce the tax burden on taxpayers. Exemptions included properties used for commercial purposes, certain specified assets like artworks and antiques, certain rural properties, and specified small businesses. Additionally, loans taken for acquiring, constructing, or repairing a property were deductible from the net wealth.

It’s important to note that the Wealth Tax Act 1967 was repealed in 2015, and the charges mentioned above were applicable during its existence. The Act has been replaced by other tax laws, and the specific charges and rates may have changed accordingly. It is always advisable to refer to the relevant legislation and consult with a tax professional for accurate and up-to-date information on the current tax charges.


The Wealth Tax Act of 1967 played a crucial role in addressing wealth disparities and promoting a more equitable distribution of wealth in India. It served as a significant revenue generator for the government and encouraged transparency and compliance. While the Act has been repealed in recent years, its impact on wealth planning and social justice remains noteworthy. Understanding the provisions and implications of this Act provides valuable insights into the historical evolution of tax policies and their contribution to the overall economic

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