Property Registration

Types of Property Registration

calendar02 May, 2023
timeReading Time: 5 Minutes
Types of Property Registration

When it comes to buying or selling a property, one of the most important things you need to take care of is property registration. Property registration is a legal process that confirms the ownership of the property and ensures that the property’s details are recorded in government records. It is a crucial step in the property transaction process, and it is essential to get it right to avoid any legal complications in the future. In this blog, we’ll discuss the different types of property registration that exist.

Property Registration Is Essential For Several Reasons

The Property registration is essential for several reasons, including:

  • Legal Ownership: Property registration is the legal process that confirms the ownership of the property. It ensures that the property’s details are recorded in the government records, and the property is legally recognized as belonging to the rightful owner.
  • Proof of Title: Property registration serves as proof of the title of the property. It is essential to establish ownership, and it can be used as evidence in case of any disputes.
  • Protection from Fraud: Property registration protects the buyer from fraudulent transactions. It ensures that the property is legally transferred to the buyer and that the seller has the right to sell the property.
  • Access to Legal Remedies: Property registration provides access to legal remedies in case of any disputes. It enables the owner to seek legal action if their property rights are violated.
  • Securing Property Loans: Property registration is a prerequisite for obtaining a property loan. It provides security to the lender and helps them assess the value of the property.
  • Payment of Stamp Duty and Registration Fees: Property registration involves the payment of stamp duty and registration fees, which are used for public welfare. The registration fees are used to maintain records of property transactions, and the stamp duty is a form of tax that goes to the government.

Property registration is essential as it provides legal ownership, proof of title, protection from fraud, access to legal remedies, secures property loans, and helps in the payment of stamp duty and registration fees. It is a crucial step in the property transaction process, and it is essential to get it right to avoid any legal complications in the future.

Where Property Registration Is Done?

Property registration is done at the sub-registrar’s office or sub-registry office under the jurisdiction of the respective state governments. The Sub-Registrar’s Office is responsible for registering various property-related documents, such as sale deeds, gift deeds, partition deeds, release deeds, mortgage deeds, and other legal documents related to property transactions.

The Sub-Registrar’s Office is an important office where all the property registration formalities are completed. It is necessary to visit the sub-registrar’s office to execute the sale deed and get it registered. The sub-registrar verifies the details of the property and checks the documents submitted by the parties involved in the transaction. Once the sub-registrar is satisfied with the documents and details, he or she registers the property and issues a registration certificate.

The Sub-Registrar’s Office maintains a record of all the registered properties in its jurisdiction. These records are accessible to the public, and anyone can obtain a certified copy of the registered documents by paying the prescribed fees.

In summary, property registration is done at the Sub-Registrar’s Office, which is responsible for registering property-related documents and maintaining records of all registered properties in its jurisdiction. It is necessary to get the sale deed registered to ensure legal ownership and to avoid any legal complications in the future.

Types of Property Registration

Sale Deed Registration:

Sale deed registration is the most common type of property registration. It is a legal document that proves the transfer of ownership of the property from the seller to the buyer. The sale deed contains details such as the names of the buyer and seller, property description, sale consideration, and other terms and conditions of the sale. The sale deed must be registered with the Sub-Registrar of Assurances in the jurisdiction where the property is located.

Gift Deed Registration:

A gift deed is a legal document used to transfer the ownership of the property as a gift. The property can be gifted to a family member or a friend without any exchange of money. The gift deed must be registered with the Sub-Registrar of Assurances in the jurisdiction where the property is located.

Partition Deed Registration:

A partition deed is a legal document used to divide the property among the co-owners. The partition deed specifies the share of each co-owner, and it must be registered with the Sub-Registrar of Assurances in the jurisdiction where the property is located.

Release Deed Registration:

A release deed is a legal document used to release one’s share in the property in favour of another co-owner. For example, if there are two co-owners of a property and one of them wants to give up his or her share in favor of the other co-owner, then a release deed can be executed. The release deed must be registered with the Sub-Registrar of Assurances in the jurisdiction where the property is located.

Mortgage Deed Registration:

A mortgage deed is a legal document used to create a mortgage on the property in favour of the lender. The mortgage is created to secure a loan or any other financial obligation. The mortgage deed must be registered with the Sub-Registrar of Assurances in the jurisdiction where the property is located.

Property Registration In India Is Regulated By The Following Laws:

Registration Act, 1908:

The Registration Act, 1908 is the primary law governing property registration in India. It provides for the registration of various documents, including sale deed, gift deed, partition deed, release deed, mortgage deed, and other legal documents related to property transactions. The Act lays down the procedure for the registration of these documents and the fees payable for registration.

Indian Stamp Act, 1899:

The Indian Stamp Act, 1899 governs the payment of stamp duty on various property-related documents. The Act specifies the stamp duty payable on various documents, and failure to pay the required stamp duty can result in the invalidation of the document.

Transfer of Property Act, 1882:

The Transfer of Property Act, 1882[1] lays down the rules for the transfer of property. It provides for the legal requirements for the transfer of property, including the various types of deeds and documents that are required for a valid transfer of property.

Land Registration Act:

The Land Registration Act is a state-specific law that governs the registration of land-related documents. The Act specifies the procedure for the registration of land-related documents and the fees payable for registration.

State Specific Laws:

Each state in India may have its own laws and regulations governing property registration. These laws may specify the procedures and fees for registration and may differ from state to state.

Property registration in India is governed by various laws, including the Registration Act, 1908, Indian Stamp Act, 1899, Transfer of Property Act, 1882, and state-specific laws. It is essential to comply with these laws and regulations to ensure a valid and legal transfer of property.


In conclusion, property registration is a crucial process that needs to be completed correctly to avoid any legal complications. The type of property registration required depends on the nature of the transaction. It is essential to consult a legal expert to understand the legal requirements and ensure that the property transaction is completed smoothly.

Read Our Article: Which Registration Is Required To Sell Property?

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