Legal Agreements

Prenup Means, Definition, And Draft a Valid Agreement

calendar09 Jun, 2023
timeReading Time: 5 Minutes
Prenup Means, Definition, And Draft a Valid Agreement

A prenuptial agreement, often called a “prenup,” is a legally binding agreement typically made between two individuals before they enter into marriage. This agreement outlines each person’s assets and debts and clarifies the property rights each person will have after they get married.

While prenuptial agreements were originally popular in Europe, their prevalence has expanded to various regions across the globe. Historically, prenups were viewed as a precautionary measure to protect both spouses’ assets.

What Is Prenup?

An agreement entered into by two individuals before marriage is commonly known as a prenuptial agreement or prenup. The primary objective of a prenuptial agreement is to define the financial arrangements and the duties and obligations of each spouse in the event of a divorce or the passing of one spouse. The prenuptial agreement generally specifies how assets will be distributed, how spousal support will be handled, and other financial issues.

Prenups are often utilized to safeguard the individual interests of each spouse, particularly in situations where one spouse has substantially more assets or has children from a prior relationship. However, it is crucial to note that prenups must be willingly signed, in written form, and with full financial disclosure to be legally enforceable.

Who Needs a Prenuptial Agreement?

Prenuptial agreements are not only beneficial for the wealthy, as many people believe. Although they are typically used to safeguard the assets of a wealthy fiancé, prenups are becoming increasingly popular among couples with limited financial resources for various purposes.

There are specific reasons why individuals may want to enter into a prenuptial agreement:

Children From Previous Marriages Should Be Given Separate Property

A prenuptial agreement can be utilized by a couple who have children from previous marriages to outline the division of their assets upon their demise. By having a prenup, individuals can ensure that their children receive their separate property while still making provisions for their partner in case of need. If there is no prenup, the surviving spouse may receive a significant share of the other partner’s property, resulting in a reduced amount for the children.

Determine Your Financial Rights

Regardless of their wealth, having children or not, couples may desire to clarify their financial obligations and rights with their partner throughout their marriage. A prenuptial agreement can be used to establish a clear understanding and agreement between the couple before marriage.

Prevent Arguments in Case of Divorce

In certain situations, an individual may desire to hinder or avoid possible arguments if they ever divorce by stating in advance how their property will be split and whether either partner will receive alimony[1]. Nonetheless, in certain states, it may not be feasible for one partner to waive the right to receive alimony, and in several others, a waiver of alimony will be examined rigorously and not enforced if the partner who is renouncing the right to alimony does not have legal representation.

Obtain Debt Protection

Prenuptial agreements can also serve as a means to safeguard or defend partners from each other’s outstanding debt and address various other issues.

Drafting A Valid Prenup Agreement

As prenuptial agreements become more common, the law has become more flexible towards them. Previously, courts were suspicious of prenups since they often favored the wealthier partner and were thought to encourage divorce. However, due to changing social attitudes and legal developments, courts and lawmakers are more likely to uphold premarital agreements.

While prenuptial agreements are permitted in all states, they may still be invalidated or declined if they are deemed unsatisfactory or do not meet the state’s specific requirements. Despite the increased acceptance of prenups, it is essential to draft them clearly and legally correctly, ideally with the help of lawyers, to ensure their validity in court.

Drafting a valid prenuptial agreement involves several crucial steps, and it’s essential to follow them to ensure the document is legally binding. Here are some guidelines to follow when creating a prenup:

  • Hire an Attorney: It’s advisable to hire an attorney who specializes in family law to draft a prenuptial agreement. An attorney can help ensure the agreement is legally sound and complies with state laws.
  • Full Disclosure of Finances: Both parties must disclose all their assets, income, and liabilities. Full disclosure ensures that each party is aware of the other’s financial status and can make informed decisions.
  • No Pressure: The prenup must be entered into voluntarily, without any pressure or coercion from either party. Signing a prenup under duress or undue influence could invalidate the agreement.
  • Be Specific: The prenup must be specific about what property and assets are considered separate or marital property. The agreement should also detail how any marital property will be divided in case of divorce.
  • Review and Update: It is recommended to regularly review and update a prenuptial agreement to ensure it aligns with any alterations in the couple’s financial circumstances or marital status.

Legal Validity of Prenups in India

The concept of a prenuptial agreement seems unfamiliar in India. Unlike in Western countries, where marriage is viewed as a contract between two parties, in India, marriage is viewed as a sacred union between two individuals. Therefore, prenuptial agreements are generally considered invalid in India, as marriage is not considered a legal contract.

Unlike Canada and France, India does not give prenuptial agreements any special legal status. However, they can be considered under the Indian Contract Act of 1872. For a prenup to be legally valid, both parties must freely consent to the agreement as per Section 10 of the 1872 Act. However, if the prenup violates public policy or is considered immoral, it will be declared void under Section 23, even if it was made with free consent.

Nonetheless, there are two cases in which prenuptial agreements are considered legally binding. The first exception is in Goa, which follows the Portuguese Civil Code of 1867, and the second exception is when the marriage is solemnized under the Special Marriage Act of 1954. All declaration documents are appropriately registered at the Register Office.

Prenuptial agreements must have reasonable terms and conditions to be valid in court. For example, a prenup that requires the wife to give up her legal rights would be considered unenforceable by the court as it violates Section 28 of the Indian Contract Act. This section declares any agreement that restricts legal proceedings void.


In India, prenuptial agreements are not recognized as legal or valid under marriage laws because marriage is not viewed as a contract. A prenuptial agreement can be considered valid under the Indian Contract Act of 1872 if both partners enter into it voluntarily, without any threat or influence, and with mutual consent. The agreement can serve as evidence or a reference for the terms agreed upon. The Indian courts may recognize a prenuptial agreement if both parties agree to it and sign it voluntarily without coercion or influence.

However, it is essential to outline the provisions in the document clearly. It should be noted that in India, marriages are governed by personal laws. Under the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955, marriage is not considered a contract, so prenuptial agreements are not recognized.

In India, prenuptial agreements are not recognized under Muslim and Christian law, even though marriage is considered a contract under these laws. Prenuptial agreements are instead subject to the Indian Contract Act of 1872.

For a prenuptial agreement to have legal validity, both individuals must willingly participate in the process and fully disclose their personal assets and debts with utmost honesty.

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