iCAT Certification

How to Get iCAT Certification

calendar28 Feb, 2023
timeReading Time: 4 Minutes
How to Get Online ICAT Certification

The leading homologation and testing facility in India, known as iCAT, was created by the Indian government as part of NATRiP. It is one of the organisations that CMV Regulation No. 126 notifies to provide Type Approval Certificates (TAC) and Conformity of Production (COP) Certificates. The International Centre for Automotive Technology’s headquarters is in Manesar, Gurgaon, Haryana. A top-notch automobile & Certification company is iCAT. It is funded by the Indian government’s NATRip (National Automatic Testing & R&D Infrastructure Project). One must adhere to all iCAT Standards to receive the certification. The automobile is one of the businesses that use iCAT Certification to demonstrate the authenticity of its products. All vehicles falling under the car sector, including EVs, two-wheelers, three-wheelers, four-wheelers, lorries, trailers, tractors, and more, are certified by iCAT. Your vehicle’s design, lifespan, functionality, and other factors will be evaluated if you apply for the certification before receiving permission or certification.

What is iCAT

One of the top Indian organisations that can carry out AIS certification is iCAT, International Centre for Automotive Technology. Its other primary responsibilities include conducting various tests on automotive parts, which are also required for BIS certification of automotive parts. The National Automotive Testing and R&D Infrastructure Project, a division of the Indian government, has granted the iCAT permission to carry out this function.

Function of iCAT

The Central Motor Vehicle Regulations (CMVR) – Rule No. 126 accredits iCAT for all vehicle and component approvals. The BIS (Bureau of Indian Standards) has granted clearance for testing on wheels, tyres, and glass for BIS certification. Moreover, iCAT holds several accreditations from NABL (following ISO 17025:2005), the English VCA, the CAFE Sector Secretariat of the Ministry of Roads and Transport, and the Central Pollution Control Board[1] (CPCB) for testing and approving generators. Also, the 2006-founded test institution has all the necessary equipment for testing motors, LEDs, UPS, IT goods, AV devices, home appliances, etc. It possesses certifications for ISO 9001, 14001, 18001, and 45001.

Homologation and Certification In iCAT

Homologation and certification are some of the most critical milestones in developing any automotive or its parts and accessories. The International Centre for Automotive Technology (ICAT) is the country’s top homologation and certification organisation. This organisation, founded in 2006 in Manesar, Haryana, as part of the National Automotive Testing and R&D Infrastructure Project (NATRiP), offers the automotive sector and related industries high-quality accreditation and certification services. As one of the organisations listed in Central Motor Vehicles Rule No. 126 for the issuance of Type Approval Certificates (TAC) and Conformity of Production (COP) Certificates, it is responsible for the certification of all types of fossil and electric vehicles, mechanical and electrical auto parts, and various engine development and retrofitting parameters, including noise levels, component fatigue, etc.

Automotive, Railroad, Defense, Consumer Electronics & IT Products, Aviation, General Lighting, and many other industries are among those that iCAT provides validation, testing, and design services.

It is thus always advisable to obtain iCAT Certification if you are a producer planning to offer any of these items or types of equipment. You may add a layer of security and product quality with certification, influencing your customers to purchase.

The following are the certifications allowed by iCAT:

The key iCAT certifications or approvals are as follows:

  • iCAT Certification or Approval for E-Cycle: Because of their low cost, lack of requirement for a driver’s licence, etc., E-Cycles or Electric Cycles are on the verge of becoming the most popular electric vehicles.
  • E-Trucks with iCAT Approval or Certification: an e-truck or other motor vehicle with at least four wheels used to transport products (LCV, MCV, and HCVs).
  • iCAT for E-Scooty: Scooters and other two-wheel vehicles are positioned to take the e-scooty industry by storm.
  • iCAT for E-Bike: Electric bikes are on the way to becoming the preferred mode of transportation for young people.

The Government of India created ICAT as its flagship homologation and testing facility under NATRiP. It is one of the organisations included in CMV regulation 126’s notification for the issue of “TYPE APPROVAL CERTIFICATE (TAC)” and “CONFORMITY OF PRODUCTION (COP) Certificate.”

• Vehicle • Engine • Components • Retrofitment • Gensets


According to CMVR, 1989, ICAT can meet the certification needs of all vehicle types, including 2W, 3W, 4W, EVs, quadricycles, e-carts, tractors, e-rickshaws, buses, trucks, and special purpose vehicles. We have partnered with several certifying bodies worldwide to offer OEMs export homologation services.


According to CMVR, the power and emissions of engines in vehicles with GVW larger than 3.5 tonnes must be checked on an engine dynamometer. Moreover, off-road engines for agricultural tractors, CEVs, generator sets, and small power tillers must be authorised on an engine dynamometer. Diesel engine emissions testing on an engine dynamometer is an option for cars weighing 2.5 to 3.5 tonnes.


The Central Government occasionally announces the safety requirements of any part, component or assembly that will be utilised in the production of a vehicle through a publication in the Official Gazette. Safety features including horns, mirrors, lighting/signalling devices, seats, etc., are reported following relevant CMVR regulations. Such a rule details the Test Standard (AIS, BIS, etc.) to the specified component or system must adhere. The component maker must contact the testing agency to request the appropriate testing and approval.

Retro fitment

Compressed natural gas (CNG), liquefied natural gas (LNG), hybrid technology, and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) are among the vehicle fuels that the Indian government has approved for usage. As a result, under Rule 115 of CMVR, rules relating to pollution, safety, installation, and other requirements for supporting such conversion are also notified.


iCAT certification is a complex process that requires substantial compliance to deal with; therefore, it is recommended to employ experts who provide iCAT Certification to businesses from different industries to get iCAT Approval quickly. Experts that will not only help you with documentation but will ensure to shape your products in a way that permits you to get iCAT Approval.

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