Legal Metrology

Functions of Legal Metrology Department

calendar03 Jun, 2022
timeReading Time: 3 Minutes
Legal Metrology Department

The basic definition of Legal Metrology, with “Metrology” meaning “Science of Measurement”, refers to the regulations in accordance with the laws set by the nation’s government that mandate and control the measurements and their needed instruments. The Legal Metrology Department of India assists in providing protection for the safety of the Public, Environment, Consumers, and Traders. This department is also very precise in regard to fair trade in India.

The economy of the country and the well being of its citizens rely on the government regulations and the decisions made by respective industry that utilises Legal Metrology for everyday traders and consumers.

The Purpose of the Legal Metrology Department

The purpose of the Legal Metrology Department is for governing the Laws set for measurements that have to be precise in regard to actual measurements, instruments used for measurements, reference material of instruments, or the measuring framework that is required for characterisation, acknowledgement, moderation, or for imitation of a unit of measurement.

Measurement is applicable for multiple necessities, such as the measurement of food being sold in the market, the volume of fuel being consumed for vehicle purposes or any other machinery, measurement of distance, measurement of temperature, measurement regarding the commotion of the working environment, etc.

For example, the unit for the amount for the reference of “Mass” is provided with a specific barrel-shaped structure for the measurement of a kilogram which is also accepted as a worldwide principle. Whereas the unit of the amount for the reference of “Length” is provided with a specific structure by the progression of measurement squares for addressing required qualities.

For maintenance of uniformity, accuracy and proper governance of such purposes, the Legal Metrology Department was established in India by the Ministry of Earth Sciences and the Government of India.

Legal Metrology Department Functions for the Economy

The following are the functions of the Legal Metrology Department in accordance with the economy of India –

  • Reduction of Disputes along with Reduction of Transaction Costs –
  • By regulation for the avoidance of inadequate measurement practices, which implies a fair expenditure of money for the consumers and saves time being consumed by both the vendor and the consumer.
  • Providing Support to Trade Business –
  • Having control over any biased or unfair advantage in commencement of any trade business, ensuring that only fair trade is being practised that benefits the vendors purchasing goods to sell, the sellers, and the consumer of the product.
  • Management over Control of Stock and Reduction in Fraudulent Activities –
  • Measurements that are traceable and provide a basic framework for Stock Control are deemed reliable by the consumers, reduce commencement of any fraudulent activities along with increasing efficiency in the management of the Stock Control System.
  • Providing Assistance in the Collection of Required Governmental Revenue –
  • The Legal Metrology Department assists in the collection of revenue and in exercising applicable taxes for the respective measurement. Such taxes can be applicable on the quantity of products sold, imported or exported in the market, on bulk commodities such as rice, natural gas, gold, timber, etc.
  • Reduction in Technical Barriers for Trade Business
  • The Legal Metrology practised in India is regulated according to internationally set norms that provide clarity and confidence to the trade business owners. This ensures in development of the economy, nationally and internationally and encourages participation in global trading.
  • Promotion of good governance
  • This department regulates various rea of laws such as Environmental Laws, Occupational Health and Safety Laws, Traffic Control Laws, Air Traffic Control Laws, etc., which encourages in promotion of good and reliable governance.

Legal Metrology Department Functions for the Society

The below mentioned are the functions of the Legal Metrology Department in accordance with the citizens of India –

  • Assistance in Improvement of Health Conditions –
  • The Legal Metrology Department helps maintain the calibration of accurate medical devices and pharmaceutical products which assists in the correct diagnosis needed for the required medical treatment. Also helps in the calibration of chemical and biological testing conducted for food products.
  • Protection of the Environment –

This department assists in the monitoring of the maintenance of the environment by controlling and reducing damages caused in relation to the ecological risk factors. The decisions made in relation to the ecological risk factors may include factors such as control over the resources of the fishery, noise control of industrial production, air crafts, etc., testing conducted for water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution, metals, pesticides, etc., identification of percentage of hazardous factors for the environment.

  • Regulation over safety requirements –
  • This department assists in maintenance over the safety regulation for traffic control resulting in the reduction of accidents, death and injuries.


The Legal Metrology Department is an established body that assists in maintaining precautions for consumers from unethical vendors, sellers or traders in accordance with the enforced Legal Metrology Act, 2009 and Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011. Any violators of the laws set for Legal Metrology are fined or punished under the Standards of Weights and Measures (Enforcement) Act, 1985, Legal Metrology Act, 2009[1] and Legal Metrology (Packaged Commodities) Rules, 2011.

Read our Article:Stamping & Verification of Measures and Weights under Legal Metrology

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