Limited Liability Partnership Firm

What Is The Difference Between LLP Agreement And Private Placement Memorandum?

calendar19 May, 2023
timeReading Time: 10 Minutes
What Is The Difference Between LLP Agreement And Private Placement Memorandum?

There are important distinctions to be made between the LLP Agreement and the private placement memorandum. The limited liability partnership agreement (LLP agreement) is a contract between the members of the LLP, whereas the (PPM) Private Placement Memorandum is used to publicise investment possibilities and attract funds. Although both of the agreements are difficult to understand, they were created for distinct reasons and need the knowledge and experience of solicitors who specialise in the relevant fields. Find out what the key differences are between LLP Agreement and PPM.

In this agreement, the rights and obligations of the members are spelt out, together with provisions for dissolution and indemnity, and a private placement memorandum that is used for the purposes of raising money. Both the private placement memorandum and the prospectus, which are complicated papers that must be submitted with the SEBI prior to investor solicitation, have distinct functions and must be written separately.

What is an LLP Agreement?

Understanding the Connection that Exists between LLP Members those are governed by the LLP Agreement:

The terms and conditions of the partnership are outlined in the LLP Agreement. Before the business can get off the ground, all of the members need to sign a contract and agree to abide by its provisions. Each party is responsible for producing their own copy and sharing it with the other parties (and, if applicable, any third parties). It is strongly recommended that the LLP Agreement have a statement certifying that it was written by legal advice and signed by all of the parties.

Issuers who are considering the sale of company stock or debt securities to investors are expected to have a prospectus that has been designed to meet their specific needs. This is especially true in view of the present state of the economy. Whether one is seeking debt or equity funding from the public or private markets, one is normally obliged to have a prospectus. A well-written prospectus will include a wealth of information about the firm, including the management team, the market, the risk considerations, and the organization’s general prospectus model. In addition to the particulars of the securities that are being offered (such as whether they are stocks or bonds), this information will be included in the prospectus. The subscription agreement, which is the legally binding agreement between the issuer and the purchaser of the debt or equity securities, is included at the end of the prospectus. This is the last section of the prospectus.

Even while the major objective of the prospectus is to attract investors, a prospectus that is well-organized and presented may improve trust in the quality of management and the products or services offered by the firm. Prospectuses are documents that show prospective investors that you have given exceptional business practises and regulatory compliance a high level of importance. It is highly challenging to entice serious investors when one does not have a written document that describes the prospectus of the firm as well as the structure of its securities.

  • The LLP Agreement Has to Specify the Rights and Obligations of Each Member of the LLP:

The LLP Agreement should have a section that outlines the members’ rights and obligations. This section should include the following elements:

  1. Every member of the LLP has to have a thorough understanding of the privileges, constraints, obligations, and obligations that come along with their participation.
  2. Responsibilities and Rights of Individual Members According to the provisions of the Agreement when you or your organisation accepts an offer, a copy of this agreement (as updated with everyone’s consent) should be delivered to each member. This should happen as soon as possible after accepting the offer. The conditions of your usage of the service will be laid forth in the agreement that you are required to sign. What we owe you, what we owe each other, and what we owe creditors and third parties such as customers and suppliers who may have claims against us as a consequence of business-related losses you caused through carelessness. These debts and claims may be a result of your negligence.
  • If the members of the LLP ever decide to stop working together, the LLP Agreement has to include a Clause that allows for the dissolution of the LLP.

In the event that it becomes necessary to liquidate the company, the LLP Agreement is required to include a “dissolution provision.” In the case that a member of the LLP passes away or resigns their membership, the LLP Agreement should address how the person’s assets, liabilities, earnings, and losses would be distributed. In the case that someone passes away or resigns from their position, it is also a good idea to specify the waiting time before any distributions are made.

  • Indemnification Provisions Have to Be Included in the Operating Agreement for the LLP at All Times

Indemnification clauses for members should also be included in the LLP Agreement, in addition to measures that shield members from responsibility. According to the terms outlined in the LLP Agreement, every member of the LLP is required to take full personal responsibility for any financial losses or costs incurred by the company as a direct result of the activities that they take in the course of running the business. Imagine for a moment that an outside party is bringing charges against one of the organization’s members. They have the choice of defending themselves on their own or employing lawyers on an indemnity basis to represent them in court. Defending themselves on their own is an option.

In line with this provision, members are provided with a higher degree of flexibility regarding the management and administration of their financial resources. It affords them a higher degree of security against the possibility of litigation being brought against them by disgruntled former or present business partners or customers of the LLP in which they serve in some other position, whether as directors or in some other role. In addition to this, it guarantees that any money paid out by insurance plans is not added to what is already owing, which ultimately results in cheaper rates over the course of time.

What is Private Placement Memorandum?

  • Publicise the possibility and ask potential investors for money using the private placement memorandum as a resource.

As a legally binding document, the private placement memorandum is required to be filed with the SEBI[1]. Publicising a transaction, luring new investors, and generating income are all possible outcomes of its utilisation.

  • A Private Placement Memorandum is something that has to be submitted to the SEBI before any efforts are made to recruit investors.

The SEBI has to be provided with the private placement memorandum first before any prospective investors may be approached. This is done so that people may have a better understanding of the nature of their investments and the reasoning behind them.

The evaluation of the file made by your firm by the SEBI to determine whether or not it satisfies the requirements for approval might take up to thirty days. Your firm will not be able to begin selling shares of stock or issuing debt securities until the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) gives its approval to the S-1 registration statement that your business has submitted.

  • It is required that the company’s financial situation as well as its business activities be outlined in great detail in the private placement memorandum.

The private placement memorandum is required to provide information on the company’s activities as well as its finances. Indian generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) financial statements that have been produced in line with ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) standards are often necessary; however, a business that has never before issued securities to the general public may be excused from this requirement. In the event that the financial statements are not audited, a separate audit report will need to be produced. Financial statements are considered to be unaudited if they have not been examined and evaluated by an independent auditor, who subsequently provides an opinion on whether or not the accounts are accurate and comprehensive.

  • Whether or whether not the investors have actually read the private placement memorandum, they are still required to abide by the conditions that are specified in the document.

In contrast to a sales brochure, the private placement memorandum is an agreement that must be followed to the letter. It is a hybrid offering statement and disclosure document that provides prospective investors with information about your firm and the aims it intends to achieve.

To clarify, private placement agreements are contracts that you and the investor enter into in which the investor agrees to purchase shares of your firm in return for monetary payment or another kind of property.

  • Both of these legal papers are complex, but they serve quite different functions; as a result, they need to be created by lawyers who have specialised knowledge in their particular professions.

An LLP Agreement has to be signed by all parties involved in the creation of a limited liability partnership (LLP). The rights and obligations of the members of an LLP are spelt out in detail in the document known as the LLP Agreement.

In addition to laying out the specifics of income sharing, etc., LLP Agreements are required to include a provision that stipulates the dissolution of the company in the event that its members quit doing business together. This section covers the methods for dissolving the new business venture in the event that things go bad with the associates of the new business venture (for example, owing to discrepancies in strategic direction).

What Should Be Included in a Private Placement Memorandum?

A well organised Private Placement Memorandum will have a number of unique components, some of which will hold a greater level of significance than others.  The following items make up some of the most important aspects of a Private Placement Memorandum:

  • An Overview of the Offer and Its Acceptance

The offering structure, the description of the securities (including the class of securities and placement attributes, among other things), price, minimum subscription amount, investor qualification standards, disclosure of applicable management fees, withdrawals, placement agent commissions (if applicable), and discussion of the terms from the Issuer’s governing documents (such as limited partnership agreements, operating agreements, and so on) are all included in the summary of the terms of the offering. Because there are so many different factors involved, the attorney for the private placement saves the summary of terms for last.

  • Causal Variables

The PPM relies heavily on the information provided by the risk variables. The phrase “risk factors” is used to refer to any information that notifies potential investors to possible risks that might result in financial loss. Each industry, along with its corresponding structure, investment strategy, and company plan, will call for its own unique collection of risks and uncertainties, which will need to be carefully identified.

When publishing essential information, an Issuer is required to apply the utmost discretion in the area labelled “Risk Factors.” Counsel has to have an in-depth understanding of the nature of the offering, as well as its strategy or business plan, conflicts, restrictions, and exits, among other considerations, in order to handle certain components of the offering in an efficient manner, such as the experience level of the sponsor and the dependence on third parties.

When thinking about potential risk factors, it is highly suggested to err on the side of caution and include a factor if there is any room for doubt. It is included at the beginning of the PPM so that potential investors would see it right away and be able to make an informed decision about whether or not to invest. It responds to the bulk of the worries that prospective investors would have prior to making an investment.

When legal practitioners utilise standard, one-size-fits-all risk indicators derived from a template rather than client-specific ones, they typically make a critical error. The Securities and Exchange Commission has stressed the need of properly identifying and addressing any potential material risks. When it comes to the design of offering agreements, Capital Fund Law Group allocates a considerable amount of work to the section on risk considerations.

  • Strategies Revealed With Regards to Both Money and Expenses

The statement made in the PPM on the purpose that is planned for the money received from the offering is an essential part of the document. In most cases, the offering document for a private placement will have a section labelled “use of proceeds” that will be used to provide information on the issuer’s plans for the money that was received. In many situations, it is very difficult, if not downright impossible, to estimate the proportion of the income that will be devoted to achieving a certain goal. The “estimated” use of income is an optimistic assessment of how the money will be spent, hence the word “estimated” is appropriate.

An investment fund’s explanation of its expenditures, in contrast to the offering of a private placement issuer, is not confined to only providing an estimate of how the funds would be used in any given period of time. It is a common assumption that a mutual fund would utilise all of its available funds to buy the kinds of assets on which it anticipates earning a return. However, this is not always the case.

However, rather than making an educated guess about the amount of compensation that any progenitor or connected party would get as a result of the transaction or directly from the proceeds of the offering, a specific statement should be made. This includes any salary, consulting payment, acquisition or transfer of an Issuer asset, such as intellectual property, as well as any other direct or indirect remuneration provided to a founder or affiliated person in any form. It is important to keep in mind that the Form D file will also contain certain information about remuneration that may be made available to the general public.

  • Detailed Account of the Securities

The description of the securities in the PPM is one of the most complicated portions of the agreement. Because of this, it should only be handled by a private placement attorney with extensive prior expertise. In this part, the Issuer will discuss the features of the debt or equity offering that is being made. These specifics will be included in the operational agreement, limited partnership agreement, shareholders agreement, etc. of the Issuer, as well as the promissory note (in the event of a debt offering). A section that provides a description of the securities has been provided so that it may better assist you in comprehending the governing agreement (or promissory note). Because of this, the operational agreement has to come first before the PPM can be developed.

  • Administrative and Commercial Operations Department

The next part will provide an overview of the investment opportunity as well as the business operations of the issuing firm. This section covers information about the administration of the firm, such as the company’s founders, directors, important executives, and other relevant individuals. When writing about your skills in business and management, it is very necessary that you do not exaggerate your triumphs or belittle your failures.

  • Items to augment the original offering

In and of itself, the PPM does not constitute “offering.” The preliminary Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) is a disclosure document that defines the offering’s structure, strategy or business plan, risks, and management. The production of the offering papers requires the creation of numerous more documents, in addition to the PPM, which must be done. Agreements that fall under this category include the subscription agreement, the investor suitability questionnaire, and the Issuer’s operational agreement, limited partnership agreement, shareholders agreement, and other similar agreements. Other examples of such documents are the shareholders agreement and the operating agreement. Promissory notes are one kind of debt instrument that may be included in offers. Other types of debt instruments may also be included.

Issuers should seek the advice of a seasoned attorney specialising in private placement securities as they complete the PPM disclosures. Our business will be there from the very beginning to help in the planning and organisation of all areas of the offering due to the difficulty associated with the process of constructing an offering and choosing the right exemptions.


Where a private placement memorandum that is used for the purposes of raising money and LLP is used to hold all the details between the partners and their partnership.You should now be able to identify between LLP agreement and Private Placement Memorandum. To set up a legitimate business, one may use any number of legal papers, such as the Limited Liability Partnership Agreement (LLP Agreement), but before using any of these forms, one must first be familiar with their individual purposes.

Read Our Article: Grow Your Business By Converting Existing LLP Into Private Limited Company

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