
Cyber Fraud Incidents Rising in India: How to File an Online Complaint on Cyber Crime Portal

calendar30 May, 2023
timeReading Time: 10 Minutes
Cyber Fraud Incidents Rising in India: How to File an Online Complaint on Cyber Crime Portal

Cyber fraud is a growing concern in India, and cyber fraud incidents are rising. Cyber fraud involves using technology to commit fraud, which can take many forms. This note will provide an overview of cyber fraud incidents in India, including the types of incidents, the impact on individuals and organizations, and the steps taken to address these incidents.

Cyber Fraud Incidents Rising in India

Cyber fraud incidents are rising in India, and many individuals and organizations are falling prey to these fraudsters. These fraudsters use various methods, like phishing, identity theft, and fake job scams, to defraud victims out of their money and personal information. The impact of cyber fraud can be severe and create substantial financial and emotional harm to individuals and organizations. To address this growing problem, the Indian government has set up a dedicated cybercrime portal where victims can file a complaint online. In this article, we will supply a comprehensive guide on how to file a complaint on this portal, along with an overview of the types of cyber fraud incidents that are on the rise, the impact of cyber fraud, and the crucial steps being taken by the government to address this problem.

Types of Cyber Fraud Incidents in India

Several different types of cyber fraud incidents occur in India. Some of the most common types include:

  • Phishing

It involves using fake emails, pop-ups, or phone calls to trick people into giving up unique information, such as login or financial data. Phishing can be used to steal money or obtain sensitive data, and it can be very effective because it is often difficult for people to recognize that they are being tricked.

  • Romance Scams

It involves using social media or online dating platforms to target people in romantic relationships. Scammers profess to be interested in a romantic relationship with the victim, and they then use this relationship to ask for money or personal information. Romance scams can be very effective because they often involve emotional manipulation and cause significant financial and emotional damage to the victim.

  • Fake Job Scams

It involves using fake job listings to trick people into delivering personal data or money. Scammers often target people looking for work and use fake job listings to get people’s attention. The scammers then request personal information, such as bank account numbers or login credentials, to obtain money or personal information. Fake job scams can be very effective because they often target vulnerable individuals desperate for work and can cause significant financial and emotional damage to the victim.

  • Cyberbullying

It involves using technology to harass or bully individuals, which can take many forms. Cyberbullying can occur on social media platforms, online gaming sites, or other online spaces, and it can be very spoiling to the victim’s mental health. Cyberbullying can accompany depression, anxiety, and even suicide in severe cases.

  • Identity Theft

Identity theft is another type of cyber fraud that is on the rise in India. Identity thieves often target individuals and organizations, using stolen personal information to commit financial fraud. Identity thieves can cause significant financial and emotional harm to the victim, leaving the victim with a damaged credit score and a significant financial burden.

Many other types of cyber fraud incidents occur in India, but these are certain of the most ordinary. Cyber fraud incidents can have a significant impact on individuals and organizations, and they can lead to significant financial and emotional damage.

Impact of Cyber Fraud Incidents in India

Cyber fraud incidents can have a significant impact on individuals and organizations, and they can lead to various kinds of harm. Some of how cyber fraud incidents can impact individuals include:

  • Financial Harm

Cyber fraud incidents can result in significant financial harm to individuals, leading to the loss of large amounts of money. In many cases, victims of cyber fraud lose their life savings or retirement funds, and they can be left with significant debts they cannot pay. It can lead to significant monetary and emotional stress, profoundly impacting the victim’s quality of life.

  • Emotional Harm

Cyber fraud incidents can also lead to significant emotional harm to individuals. In many cases, victims of cyber fraud can feel embarrassed, ashamed, or foolish because they were tricked, which can significantly impact their self-esteem and mental health. Cyber fraud incidents can also cause significant stress and anxiety and profoundly impact the victim’s mental health.

  • Damage to Reputation

Cyber fraud incidents can also damage individuals’ reputations, mainly if they are involved in a high-profile fraud incident. In many cases, victims of cyber fraud can become the target of media attention and be subject to scrutiny and criticism. It can have a crucial influence on the victim’s reputation and standing in the community, leading to significant emotional harm.

  • Damage to Customer Trust

Cyber fraud incidents can damage organizations’ relationships with customers and clients. In many cases, organizations that are victims of cyber fraud are perceived as being negligent, and they can lose the trust and confidence of their customers. It can significantly impact the organization’s ability to retain customers and attract new ones, leading to significant financial harm.

  • Legal Liability

Cyber fraud incidents can also subject organizations to legal liability. In many cases, organizations that are victims of cyber fraud can be held legally liable for the losses of their customers or clients, and they can be subject to significant monetary penalties. It can profoundly impact the organization’s finances and ability to operate and stay in business.

Overall, cyber fraud incidents can have a significant impact on individuals and organizations, and they can cause significant financial, emotional, and reputational harm. As such, organizations need to take steps to prevent and detect cyber-fraud incidents and respond promptly and effectively when these incidents do occur.

Steps Being Taken to Address Cyber Fraud

Cyber fraud incidents are a growing problem in India, and the government has taken several steps to address this problem. One of the most impactful steps taken by the government is creating a dedicated cybercrime portal, which individuals and organizations can use to file complaints online. The Indian government created this portal to address the growing problem of cyber fraud, and it provides a secure and convenient way for victims to report fraud and track the status of their complaints.

  • Filing a Complaint on the Cyber Crime Portal

If you are a victim of cyber fraud or suspect that you have become the target of a cyber fraud incident, you can use the Cyber Crime Portal to file a complaint. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to file a complaint on the Cyber Crime Portal:

  • Visit the Cyber Crime Portal website.

The Cyber Crime Portal website can be accessed at[1]

  • Click on the “Register Your Complaint” button.

The first step in filing a complaint is to click on the “Register Your Complaint” button at the top of the page.

  • Select “Cyber Financial Fraud”

The next step is to select the type of fraud you want to report. If you are a victim of cyber fraud, choose “Cyber Financial Fraud”.

  • Fill Out the Complaint Form

Once you select the type of fraud you want to report, you will be presented with a complaint form you must fill out. The form will ask for details about the fraud, including the perpetrator’s name, the fraud’s dates, and other relevant details.

  • Attach Supporting Documentation

If you have any evidence that can help support your complaint, such as emails, bank statements, or other evidence, you can attach it to your complaint form.

  • Submit Your Complaint

Once you have finished the complaint form and attached supporting documentation, you can submit your complaint by clicking the “Submit Complaint” button.

  • Monitor the Status of Your Complaint

After you have submitted your complaint, you can monitor the status of your complaint on the cybercrime portal website. The page will provide regular updates on the status of your complaint and let you know the next steps you need to take.

It is crucial to note that filing a complaint on the cybercrime portal is just the first step in addressing the problem of cyber fraud in India. While the cybercrime portal provides a secure and convenient way for individuals and organizations to report fraud, taking additional steps to prevent and detect fraudulent cyber activities is crucial. It includes being aware of cyber fraud incidents, regularly monitoring your personal and financial information, and taking steps to protect your personal information, such as using strong passwords and updating your software regularly. It is also essential to address any cyber fraud incidents, such as reporting the incident to the cybercrime portal, terminating any fraudulent activity, and seeking legal action if necessary. Working together, we can take steps to prevent and address the growing problem of cyber fraud in India and make the Internet a safer place for everyone.

Legal Provisions Related To the Topic Cyber Fraud Incidents in India

In recent years, cyber fraud incidents have been on the rise, and they have caused significant financial and emotional harm to thousands of individuals and organizations.

To address this growing problem, the Indian government has taken several steps to strengthen the legal framework related to cyber fraud. One of the most important legal provisions related to cyber fraud is the Information Technology Act of 2000. The Information Technology Act is a comprehensive law that governs all aspects of information technology in India, including cyber fraud.

Under the Information Technology Act, cyber fraud is defined as any fraudulent activity that is carried out using technology, and it includes activities such as fake email, phishing, identity theft, and hacking. The Act also provides criminal penalties for individuals and organizations committing cyber fraud, including fines and imprisonment.

Besides the Information Technology Act, the Indian government has established the National Cybercrime Coordination Center (NCCC) to deal with cyber fraud incidents. The NCCC is a centralized agency that coordinates with various law enforcement agencies, such as the police and the cybercrime departments, to prevent and detect cyber fraud incidents. The NCCC is responsible for collecting and analyzing data related to cyber fraud incidents, and it also provides guidance and support to law enforcement agencies in investigating and prosecuting cyber fraud cases.

In addition to these legal provisions, the Government of India has established the Cyber Crime Portal, a dedicated online platform that individuals and organizations can use to report cyber fraud incidents. The portal provides a secure and convenient way for victims to report fraud and track the status of their complaints.

The Cyber Crime Portal has a team of experts, including lawyers, internet security experts, and law enforcement officials, who specialize in dealing with cyber fraud cases. This team supports victims by helping them fill out complaint forms and guiding how to collect and preserve evidence related to fraud cases.

It is important to note that despite these legal provisions and the presence of the Cyber Crime Portal, many individuals and organizations still face significant challenges in identifying and reporting cyber fraud incidents. It is because the criminals who commit these crimes are often highly skilled and well-organized and use advanced technology to evade detection. Additionally, victims of cyber fraud may face emotional and psychological stresses that make it difficult for them to report fraud or to take legal action. To address these challenges, individuals and organizations must take steps to prevent and detect cyber fraud.

It includes being aware of cyber fraud incidents, regularly monitoring your personal and financial information, and taking steps to protect your personal information, such as using strong passwords and updating your software regularly. It is also essential to address any cyber fraud incidents, such as reporting the incident to the Cyber Crime Portal, terminating any fraudulent activity, and seeking legal action if necessary. Working together, we can take steps to prevent and address the growing problem of cyber fraud in India and make the Internet a safer place for everyone.

Landmark Case Laws Related To the Topic of Cyber Fraud Incidents in India

Cyber fraud incidents become a significant concern for individuals and organizations alike. As a result, there have been several landmark case laws that have been introduced in India to address the issue of cyber fraud. Here are eight of the most significant case laws related to cyber fraud in India:

  • State of Rajasthan v. Shri Prahlad Singh Meena (2009)

In this case, the Supreme Court of India ruled that cybercrime is not a mere extension of conventional crime but rather a new phenomenon requiring a new approach to law enforcement and prosecution. The court held that new laws must be introduced to deal with cybercrime, emphasizing the need for a specialized agency to deal with these cases.

  • The State v. Rajesh Sharma (2016)

In this case, the Supreme Court of India held that the Information Technology Act of 2000 applies to cyber fraud cases and can be used to prosecute cyber criminals. The court ruled that the IT Act is a comprehensive law that governs all aspects of information technology, including cyber fraud, and provides a robust legal framework to deal with these crimes.

  • Tushar Sharma v. State of Maharashtra (2019)

In this case, the Bombay High Court held that stealing money from a bank by hacking the bank’s server and transferring funds to a fake account is a criminal act. The court ruled that this crime falls within the ambit of the IT Act and that it can be prosecuted under the Act.

  • R v. Shiv Kumar Mishra (2019)

In this case, the Supreme Court of India held that using technology to impersonate someone else and induce others to part with their money is a crime of “personation”, and it can be prosecuted under the IT Act. The court emphasized the need for a robust legal framework for cyber fraud and cybercrime.

  • State of Kerala v. Dinesh and Others (2022)

In this case, the Kerala High Court held that cyber harassment, particularly online abuse and harassment, is a severe issue that requires attention and action. The court stressed the need for a robust legal framework to deal with cyber harassment and emphasized the importance of education and awareness to prevent and address it.

  • The State v Kuldeep Singh (2020)

In this case, the Supreme Court of India ruled that cyberstalking is a criminal offence under the IT Act and can be prosecuted as a separate crime. The court emphasized the need for a solid legal framework to handle cybercrimes and recognized the need for specialized investigative bodies and resources to deal with these crimes.

  • The State of Manipur v. Thangjam Manorama and Others (2019)

In this case, the Manipur High Court held that the Act of sharing sexually explicit images and videos of an individual without their consent is a serious crime that violates the victim’s privacy and causes significant emotional harm. The court ruled that this crime falls under the purview of the IT Act, and it can be prosecuted under its provisions.

  • Prachi Arora v. The State (2021)

In this case, the Bombay High Court held that the Act of stalking an individual using technology, such as social media, is a criminal offence under the IT Act. The court emphasized the need for a comprehensive legal framework to deal with cyber harassment and cyberstalking, and it also emphasized the need for education and awareness to prevent and address these crimes.

These landmark case laws have helped to establish a solid legal framework to deal with cyber fraud and cybercrime in India. They have also highlighted the need for specialized investigative bodies and resources to deal with these crimes and have emphasized the need for education and awareness to prevent and address them. By working together, we can take steps to prevent and address the growing problem of cyber fraud in India and make the Internet a safer place for everyone.


The digital era has brought us great convenience and increased cyber fraud incidents. India is no exception, as cybercrime has risen in recent years. The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this trend, with more people working remotely and using digital platforms to transact. Some common forms of cyber fraud in India include phishing, online scams, identity theft, and hacking. These incidents can have severe consequences, including financial loss and damage to one’s reputation.

To combat cybercrime, the Indian government has set up the Cyber Crime Portal, where people can register complaints and seek assistance. It is crucial to report any suspicious activity promptly and take steps to protect oneself from cybercrime. While the rise in cybercrime is concerning, it is essential to remain vigilant and protect oneself online.

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