
Cost of Preparing a Will by Yourself and With a Legal Help

calendar07 Apr, 2023
timeReading Time: 5 Minutes
Cost of Preparing a Will by Yourself and With a Legal Help

Preparing a will is an important step in ensuring that your assets are distributed according to your wishes after your death. While it is possible to prepare a will by yourself in India, it is important to ensure that the will is legally valid and that it accurately reflects your wishes. Here, we will discuss the cost of preparing a will by yourself in India, as well as the potential risks and benefits of doing so.

What Are The Costs Involved In Preparing Of A Will By Yourself In India?

If you choose to prepare a will by yourself in India, the cost will depend on a few factors. The primary cost is the time and effort that you will need to invest in drafting the will. This will involve researching the legal requirements for a valid will in India and ensuring that the document is properly executed and witnessed.

In addition to the time and effort required, you may also need to pay for certain expenses related to the preparation of the will. For example, you may need to purchase legal forms or templates to use as a guide for drafting your will. You may also need to pay for notary services or other legal services to ensure that the will is properly executed and witnessed.

Overall, the cost of preparing a will by yourself in India is likely to be relatively low, as long as you are able to invest the necessary time and effort. However, it is important to remember that the cost of making mistakes or errors in your will can be much higher, as they may lead to disputes or legal challenges that could invalidate the document and cause your assets to be distributed in a way that does not reflect your wishes.

What Are The Risks And Benefits Associated With It?

While preparing a will by yourself in India may be a cost-effective option, there are also several risks and benefits to consider before proceeding. Some of the key risks and benefits are discussed below.


  • Legal Validity: One of the biggest risks of preparing a will by yourself is the potential for errors or omissions that could make the document legally invalid. This could occur if the will does not meet the legal requirements for a valid will in India, or if it is not properly executed and witnessed.
  • Ambiguity: Another risk is that the language used in the will may be unclear or ambiguous, which could lead to disputes or legal challenges over the meaning of certain provisions.
  • Lack of Advice: By preparing a will by yourself, you may miss out on valuable legal advice and guidance that could help you to identify potential issues or challenges that could arise in the future.


  • Cost-Effective: One of the main benefits of preparing a will by yourself is that it can be a cost-effective option, as you will not need to pay for the services of a lawyer or other legal professional.
  • Flexibility: By preparing a will by yourself, you will have greater flexibility and control over the content of the document, as you will be able to customize it to meet your specific wishes and needs.
  • Privacy: By preparing a will by yourself, you can ensure that your wishes remain private, as you will not need to disclose them to a lawyer or other legal professional.

Preparing a will by yourself in India can be a cost-effective option, but it is important to carefully consider the risks and benefits before proceeding. If you decide to prepare a will by yourself, it is essential that you research the legal requirements for a valid will in India and that you take the necessary steps to ensure that the document is properly executed and witnessed. Alternatively, you may wish to consider consulting a lawyer or other legal professional to ensure that your will is legally valid and accurately reflects your wishes.

How Is A Will Prepared With A Legal Help?

In India, preparing a will with legal help can vary in cost depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the estate, the location of the lawyer, and the lawyer’s experience.

Generally, the cost of preparing a will with legal help in India can range from ₹ 5,000 to ₹ 25,000 or more. However, this cost can be higher or lower depending on various factors. For example, if the estate is complex and involves several assets and properties, the cost of preparing a will can be higher. On the other hand, if the estate is simple and involves only a few assets and properties, the cost of preparing a will can be lower.

In addition to the complexity of the estate, the cost of preparing a will with legal help can also vary depending on the location of the lawyer. Lawyers in big cities and metropolitan areas tend to charge higher fees than lawyers in smaller towns and rural areas. This is because the cost of living and doing business is higher in big cities.

Furthermore, the experience of the lawyer can also affect the cost of preparing a will. Experienced lawyers who specialize in estate planning and probate law tend to charge higher fees than lawyers who do not have as much experience in these areas.

The cost of preparing a will with legal help in India can vary depending on several factors, such as the complexity of the estate, the location of the lawyer, and the lawyer’s experience. It is important to consult with a lawyer who specializes in estate planning and probate law to determine the exact cost of preparing a will for your specific situation. Additionally, it is recommended to compare fees and services offered by different lawyers before making a final decision. Moreover, following are the benefits and risks of making a will with the legal help in India.


  • Peace of Mind: One of the biggest benefits of preparing a will with legal help is that it can give you peace of mind. By having a legally-binding document that outlines your final wishes, you can rest assured that your assets and properties will be distributed according to your wishes after your death.
  • Avoiding Family Disputes: Another benefit of preparing a will with legal help is that it can help avoid family disputes after your death. When you have a clear and concise will, your loved ones will have a better understanding of your final wishes and there will be less chance of disagreements over how your assets and properties should be distributed.
  • Ensuring Children’s Future: If you have minor children, preparing a will with legal help is particularly important. You can use your will to name a guardian for your children, ensuring that they will be taken care of by someone you trust if you pass away
  • Tax Planning: Preparing a will with legal help can also help with tax[1] planning. Your lawyer can help you structure your estate in a way that minimizes tax liabilities and maximizes the amount of money that goes to your heirs.


  • Cost: One of the biggest risks of preparing a will with legal help is the cost. As mentioned earlier, the cost of preparing a will with legal help can vary widely depending on several factors. However, if you have a complex estate or require specialized legal services, the cost of preparing a will can be quite high.
  • Delay: Preparing a will with legal help can also take time. It may take several weeks or even months to draft a will, particularly if your estate is complex. This delay can be frustrating for some people who want to get their affairs in order quickly.
  • Legal Challenges: Even if you have a will, there is still a chance that your loved ones may challenge it after your death. This can result in costly and time-consuming legal battles, which can be emotionally draining for everyone involved.
  • Inflexibility: Finally, preparing a will with legal help can be inflexible. Once your will is drafted, it can be difficult to make changes or amendments, particularly if your estate is complex. This inflexibility can be a problem if your circumstances change in the future.


Preparing a will with legal help in India can help you avoid potential legal disputes, ensure that your assets are distributed according to your wishes, and provide peace of mind for both you and your loved ones. A lawyer can guide you through the process of creating a will, help you understand the legal requirements and formalities, and ensure that your will complies with the relevant laws and regulations. Overall, whether you choose to prepare a will by yourself or with legal help in India, it is essential to ensure that your will accurately reflects your wishes and is legally binding. Taking the time to create a well-crafted will can provide you and your loved ones with valuable peace of mind and security.

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Writing A Will At Home

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