Remote Workforce

Best Security Practices for Remote Workforce

In today’s highly competitive economy, organizations rely on remote workforce more than ever. From pandemic prevention to hyper urbanization relief, the news seems to be buzzing with the tones of remote work lately.  Amid Covid-19 outbreak, most of the companies across the world are telling their employees to telecommute to contain the spread of the virus.

Governments across the world are taking preventive measures, including closing schools and asking people to work from home. Thanks to the internet era in which we live in, today we enjoy the luxury of working from the comfort of our couch. In many cases, people already work from the comfort of their homes. However, this luxury of working from home has its own pitfalls and the biggest one being online security threats. Remote work poses serious security challenges for companies. Since remote workers are not physically present in the office, they often access company networks using wifi from popular locations such as coffee shops etc. which are prime spots for hackers[1] to spy on internet traffic.

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Best Security Practices for Remote Workforce