Health star rating

Health star rating to be affixed on packaged food products: FSSAI

FASSAI plans to label packaged food products with an official Health star rating (HSR). The HSR rating is bound to help consumers eat healthy food. This is a progressive step for a country that has lifestyle diseases and bad dietary habits. The regulatory authority will give the HSR rating after examining the food items based on salt, sugar and fat content. A manufacturer must print HSR on the front of the package.

After studying the report prepared by IIM Ahmedabad., the government is taking this step. The report focused on the “impact of front of the packaged labelling for packaged and processed food.” The study’s outcome found that the HSR is the best option for individuals who want to choose a healthier lifestyle under the new policy of front of label packaging (FoPL).

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Health star rating to be affixed on packaged food products: FSSAI