quality tests

BIS conducts quality tests of packaged water units

The Bureau of Indian Standards in Chennai has increased the inspection of packaged water to ensure that clean and safe water reaches out to its consumers.

The market surveillance has been on the rise, and the authorities have increased the sample size to 374 in Chennai and adjoining districts. The figure has doubled since the year 2018-19. While steps are being taken to enforce the quality standard, the sellers have stated there is a sharp decrease in demand for 25 litre-bubble top cans.

The officials had planned to increase the selection of market and factory samples in which they would cover all the 361 certified units of the state twice in a fiscal year. Of the samples tested, about 62 units failed to meet the standards. This figure will rise as the testing has increased. The main reasons for the samples failing the test were due to the presence of yeast, mould and aerobic microbial count.

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BIS conducts quality tests of packaged water units