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Expertise in Hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP)


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Overview of HACCP Certification

HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point. It is a principal-based guideline for Food Safety Management System. It is a scientific perspective to determine hazards in a food system which helps in reducing or controlling the biological and physical hazards to ensure that the food is safe for the consumers. The principles of HACCP are internationally recognized and aim to emphasize on the process & production steps critical for food safety as well as for consumer protection.

Applicability of HACCP Certification

HACCP applies to all types of organizations regardless of size, nature, or geography of all Food supply from farming to consumption. It applies to-

  • Principal producers,
  • Food manufacturers,
  • Transport & storage operators and,
  • Manufacturer and producer of equipment, packaging, cleaning agents, preservatives, ingredients, and products related to food.

The certification of HACCP demonstrates to consumers your commitment to produce and deal with safe foods. HACCP certification is a part of ISO 22000. The Client may opt for HACCP or ISO 22000-2018 Certification.

What are the objectives of HACCP Certification?

The application of HACCP requires the full dedication and engagement of management and the employees. It requires an interdisciplinary and versatile approach that includes expertise in farming, production, public health, food technology, and environmental health. The objectives of HACCP Certification are as follows:-

  • HACCP is a tool to identify hazards and establish control systems that focus on prohibition rather than depending on finish product testing.
  • HACCP helps in accommodating change, by providing advanced equipment design, processing procedures, or technological enhancements.
  • HACCP can be practiced throughout the food chain from the production level to the consumption and its enactment should be guided by scientific indication of risks to human health.
  • It helps in enhancing food safety and other significant benefits i.e. promoting international business by increasing confidence in food safety.
  • The application of HACCP systems assists in inspection done by regulatory authorities.

What is the Critical Control Point in HACCP and how it relates to food safety?

Critical Control Point (CCP in HACCP) is a framework or procedure at which the control can be applied to prevent, reduce, or eliminate the hazards that have been identified. CCPs may be placed at any point in the food production system where hazards need to be identified.

A principal objective of the CCP in food safety is to keep under review product problems of international attributes affecting production, trade, allocation, and consumption of food.

What are the Advantages of HACCP Certification?

HACCP can be applied across the food supply i.e. from the production level to the consumption of food. It helps in enhancing food safety and other advantages including effective use of resources and timely response to food safety issues. Additionally, the HACCP system can help in an inspection by food control regulatory authorities. It increases international trade by enhancing buyer confidence in food safety.

A HACCP plan is implemented for a particular food and processing application. HACCP is capable of considering a change. The application of the HACCP is well-matched with the execution of quality management systems, such as the ISO 9000 series, and is the method of choice in the management of food safety within such a system. The approach of HACCP helps in improving the food management system and enhancing the quality management system. The advantages of HACCP

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The principles of HACCP are of very diverse, which are as follows:-

  • Principle 1

    Conduct a hazard analysis

  • Principle 2

    Determine critical control points.

  • Principle 3

    Establish critical limitations for each control point.

  • Principle 4

    Establish critical control points monitoring requirements.

  • Principle 5

    Establish corrective actions.

  • Principle 6

    Organizing the procedures for ensuring the HACCP system is working as intended.

  • Principle 7

    Establish paper works and record-keeping procedures.

What are the proficiencies, elements and steps Included to get HACCP Certification?

The proficiencies, elements and steps included to get HACCP Certification are given below for your reference:-

  • Analysis of hazards, Food safety policy, and objectives.
  • Determining the role and duties of Top management.
  • Team details, skills, and experience
  • Identify critical control points
  • Developing control measures
  • Use of external resources
  • Imparting training to the staff
  • Verification, cleaning, and monitoring procedures
  • Packaging and dispatch
  • Internal Audit
  • Organizing the Management review meeting
  • Application to the certification authority
  • Final certification

What are the essential Documents that are required for HACCP Certification?

The essential Documents required for HACCP Certification are -

  • Application in the MFPI prescribed format.
  • Detailed Project Report listing the promoters of the organization.
  • Background of the applicant organization and activities in which they are dealing with.
  • Income Tax Returns of the applicant organization for the previous three years.
  • A copy of the FSSAI License issued to the applicant organization.
  • Price quotation of certification authority
  • Details of proposed plant & machinery.
  • An affidavit duly executed on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.10/- or more duly notarized.
  • Documents related to the implementation schedule for implementation of the HACCP/ISO 22000 system.
  • Documents related to the Date of commencement of commercial production.

What steps are required for HACCP Certification?

The steps required for HACCP Certifications are given below. Those are as follows:-

  • Filing Application

    Filing application is the initial step to obtain the HACCP certification. The application covers basic information about the company. The authority must accept the application and record all the requisite information on the HACCP database.

  • Application Review

    The application received shall be reviewed by the team to ensure that the compliance requirement has been fulfilled.

  • Price Quotation and Gap Analysis

    Once the paper works is reviewed, the consultants provide the price quotation to the prospective client and carry out the Gap Analysis to cover all the sections of the quality standards. Gap Analysis is executed to check the Gap between the planned things and achieved things.

  • Documentation Review

    Documentation is reviewed to ensure that the Documents fulfilled the compliance requirement.

  • Audit of Documents

    The audit comprises of 2 stages

    Audit (Stage 1)

    Audit stage 1 implies the organization’s paper works procedure and policies in case of the compliance requirement.

    • Review the Documents of the management system to ensure that the compliance requirement has been maintained.

    • Take the Corrective action to deal with the non-conformity.

    • Verification of the paper works as per the standard requirements.


    The auditor verifies that the organization is executing as per the paper works and if the auditor of the certification body recognizes the non-conformities then the auditor allows reconciling the non-conformities. Audit stage 2 includes the following elements, those are as follows:-

    • Review the process of execution as per the organization’s Document.

    • Corrective action to be taken in case of any non-conformity occurs.

    • Verify work instruction and execution processes are being followed by the employees.

  • Issue the certificate

    The Certification Body will issue a certificate of compliance, which is valid for three years.

  • Re-Certification

    Re-certification is the process, which is done at the end of the 3 years.

How Corpbiz helps in obtaining HACCP Certification?

Corpbiz can assist in establishing system according to HACCP based Food Safety Management System Requirements. Corpbiz has a team of professionals that helps in complying with the HACCP based Food Safety requirement. Corpbiz helps in you developing, implementing the HACCP system, and obtain HACCP certification from a reputed certification body.

Corpbiz services for food safety includes the implementation of food safety laws, rules and regulations, certification, training, assessment, and supply chain software that helps the organization to comply with food safety requirements.

Why Corpbiz?

  • Individual attention to each client rather than a purely professional approach.
  • In-time project completion
  • Corpbiz team includes industry experts, auditors, and Government QCI & FSSAI Approved Consultants.
  • Proper follow up on behalf of its client
  •  100% client satisfaction by providing lifetime client services.
  • Confidentiality is maintained during and after the implementation of the project.

Frequently Asked Questions

The A HACCP flow chart is a picture of the process flow of a food operation from the raw materials to the end product for consumption. The preliminary steps of the flowchart are-

  • Assemble HACCP team,
  • Outlining the product,
  • Identify intended use,
  • Construct a flow diagram and
  • On-site confirmation of the flow diagram.

CCPs are determined after the completion of the HACCP Principle 1. Any effort by the HACCP team to identify CCPs without the aid of a thorough hazard analysis often results in the identification of more CCPs than is required.

HACCP is a risk management tool that prevents food safety hazards from ever occurring in the first place, whereas ISO 22000 is a comprehensive food safety system that is fully based on quality principles. ISO 22000 comprehend the HACCP principles and regulations.

The Prerequisites of HACCP are the range of fundamental control measures needed to produce safe food. Before the implementation of the HACCP system, the prerequisites of food hygiene must be in place. There are no specific criteria of HACCP prerequisite; it only depends on the individual food business.

HACCP systems are used in all types of food organizations, i.e. food manufacturing businesses. HACCP is an internationally established system, and the principles of HACCP are adopted in countries all over the world.

HACCP should be reviewed regularly. Additionally, HACCP is to be reviewed whenever there has been-

  • A change to the process,
  • New hazards have been identified; and
  • An outbreak of food poisoning,
  • Byproduct or another food safety issues allocated to the company.

  • Company Information and profile
  • Letterhead of the company
  • Copy of purchase and sales invoice
  • Address proof of the company
  • PAN Card of the company.

The basic requirements of HACCP in India are to ensure the safety of the food manufactured on the premises. The Food Business Operators shall regularly try to improve the sanitary and hygienic conditions at the premises to attain India HACCP standards within a previously set period.

Principle 7 of HACCP is Recordkeeping. Principle 7 implies recording information that can be used to explain that a food was produced safely. Recordkeeping include information about the HACCP plan. Recordkeeping should include details of-

  • HACCP Team,
  • Product description,
  • Flowchart design,
  • Hazard analysis,
  • CCP's identification,
  • Critical Limits and Monitoring System,
  • Corrective Actions,
  • Recordkeeping and Verification Procedures.

The purpose of a HACCP decision tree is to assist the judgment of the team and help to validate whether the hazard needs more food safety controls

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